스마트팜 - 스마트한 농장 운영 관리 서비스

by 주식회사 지농



★★ App Features and Benefits★★As a dedicated application optimized for farm farm smart farm operationSensors installed on the farm collect environmental data and control automation equipment such as irrigators, switchgears and fans.You can experience a variety of smart agricultural applications by servicing in the App in app method.Farm operators can choose and use an app equipped with the features they prefer.★★Function Description★★(Hwaseong smart grape mobile service)1. Summary: Dashboard inquiry function that collects the status of smart farm farms2. Data: A function to query the data collected from the smart farm device3. Control: Remote control and automation control of smart farm devices4. Weather: Ability to inquire about current weather and weather forecast information5. Growth Photo: A function to search photos taken on a smart farm farm6. Alarm: sensor threshold, control history alarm information transfer function